Understanding What’s Limiting Caribbean Managers from Attaining Senior Positions Within the Hospitality Industry
Springboard Caribbean was established in 2012 and is now one of the leading providers of Management and Leadership, Regulatory Compliance, Risk Management and Operational training to hospitality businesses across the Caribbean. As the Strategic Educational Partner of the CHTA, Springboard Caribbean offers its services to businesses located in 22 Caribbean countries.
Over the period May 2017 to February 2018 Springboard Caribbean undertook a study to better understand the training and development needs of managers and supervisors in the Caribbean Hospitality Industry given the relatively small number of “homegrown” managers being promoted into senior positions and being given the opportunity to make a greater contribution in maximising business results.
As part of the data collection exercise for this study Springboard Caribbean interviewed 55 “homegrown” Hotel General Managers, middle managers and supervisors. In addition, the views of key representatives from some NHTAs (National Hotel & Tourism Associations) was also taken into consideration.
Springboard recognises that leading hospitality businesses truly understand the importance and value of their people in achieving business results as evidenced by their systematic approach and investment in initiatives such as Management Internships Programs, Corporate “Universities” and other structured management and leadership training and development initiatives. Many, such as the Ritz Carlton and Four Seasons, are also able to provide evidence that people development is hard wired to their operational success.
Given that the Caribbean hospitality industry consists of a high number of independent and small to medium businesses who are unlikely to be able to make the same level of investment, it is critically important for these businesses to have high quality, affordable and practical training and development alternatives to address performance gaps and raise standards across the industry.
Interviews with “homegrown” General Managers, covered questions including:
- What characteristics, behaviours, knowledge, skills you believe supported your advancement to GM?
- Are there other reasons for your advancement?
- What are the attributes and capabilities of your managers and supervisors that you value?
- What attributes and capabilities of your managers and supervisors that you would like to see improved?
In summary “homegrown” GMs strongly believe that they owe their success to the following characteristics and behaviours:
- Passion for the hotel industry (claimed and observed)
- Worked in multiple hospitality disciplines
- Frequently came with or gained financial training
- Made professional development a priority, attended all available training opportunities.
- Self-financed training when not available internally.
- Pro-active and outspoken
GMs identified a signification number of characteristics, behaviours, knowledge & skills gaps that often prevent their supervisors & mangers from making a more significant contribution to the business and to their own career progression. These include:
- Reactive not pro-active, constantly in fire-fighting mode, not strategic
- Risk Averse
- Poor financial and marketing knowledge
- Predominant autocratic management style
- Lack assertiveness and confidence with peers and senior management
- Deadlines not achieved
- Poor delegation skills
Interviews with “homegrown” hospitality supervisors and managers included the following questions:
- What do think would help you to improve your current contribution to the business?
- What do you think would help your career progression in the hospitality industry?
In summary “homegrown” supervisors and managers identified the key factor that would improve their contribution to their respective businesses and their career development was access to appropriate training and development opportunities. In particular:
- High quality, short and focused training programs that require a minimum amount of time away from their positions
- Accessible, i.e. delivery provided locally
- Affordable programs
- Internationally recognised
- Certificated and accredited.
Finally, a number of NHTA representatives were interviewed and specifically asked to identify the perceived needs of their members in the area of training and development for Supervisors and Managers.
In summary all NHTAs:
- Recognized the need for a more formal approach to supervisory & management development
- Agree that there needs to be something that will fill the gap between formal degree programs and nothing, specifically:
- Short, targeted and high-quality training programs
- Relevant to the needs of the hospitality industry
- Affordable (limited training budgets)
- Accessible to members
The study identified that the homegrown team members who perform well at an operational level have no difficulty being promoted into supervisory positions. However, many of these new supervisors receive no formal supervisory or management training and consequently are given little opportunity to advance further. Furthermore, access to professional development opportunities are limited due to the unavailability of time off for training and development purposes as well as the cost of development opportunities. The study identified the core set of skills, knowledge and abilities that are often missing, but are essential, for new and existing supervisors and managers, to make a real contribution to their business and to grow and advance their careers.
Springboard Caribbean used the findings of the study to create a Career Success Model for Caribbean supervisors and managers and subsequently worked with its key accreditation partners i.e. The IoH (Institute of Hospitality) and the CTH (Confederation of Tourism and Hospitality), to design targeted training and development units that aligned with the Career Success Model. These training programs provide the knowledge, tools and techniques required to address the identified performance/skills gaps in supervisors and managers and deliver these in an affordable and accessible manner.
The training units have been designed to stand on their own or can collectively make up an internationally recognized and accredited qualification entitled “The Certificate in Management & Leadership for Business & Hospitality”. The qualification is made up of five compulsory units and one elective. Each unit has been contextualized for the Caribbean Hospitality Industry and delivered in a very relevant and practical way, enabling participants to immediately apply what they have learned back in the workplace. This qualification has been accredited by the Confederation of Tourism and Hospitality (CTH).
The study identified that the homegrown team members who perform well at an operational level have no difficulty being promoted into supervisory positions. However, many of these new supervisors receive no formal supervisory or management training and consequently are given little opportunity to advance further. Furthermore, access to professional development opportunities are limited due to the unavailability of time off for training and development purposes as well as the cost of development opportunities. The study identified the core set of skills, knowledge and abilities that are often missing, but are essential, for new and existing supervisors and managers, to make a real contribution to their business and to grow and advance their careers.
Springboard Caribbean used the findings of the study to create a Career Success Model for Caribbean supervisors and managers and subsequently worked with its key accreditation partners i.e. The IoH (Institute of Hospitality) and the CTH (Confederation of Tourism and Hospitality), to design targeted training and development units that aligned with the Career Success Model. These training programs provide the knowledge, tools and techniques required to address the identified performance/skills gaps in supervisors and managers and deliver these in an affordable and accessible manner.
The training units have been designed to stand on their own or can collectively make up an internationally recognized and accredited qualification entitled “The Certificate in Management & Leadership for Business & Hospitality”. The qualification is made up of five compulsory units and one elective. Each unit has been contextualized for the Caribbean Hospitality Industry and delivered in a very relevant and practical way, enabling participants to immediately apply what they have learned back in the workplace. This qualification has been accredited by the Confederation of Tourism and Hospitality (CTH).
The Certificate in Management & Leadership for Hospitality particularly appeals to those who have not had the opportunity to gain a formally recognized management qualification and provides a solid foundation for progressively growing the knowledge and improving the skills and ultimate performance of supervisors and managers.
The qualification is made accessible to all hospitality supervisors and managers through the provision of short and focused units requiring between 7 and 14 GLH (guided learning hours) to complete at an affordable cost.
The key aims are to provide a qualification that enables the participant to:
- Improve operational efficiency and team performance
- Deliver effective leadership of their respective team/department
- Better understand cost management and develop the ability to take advantage of opportunities to grow revenue
- Become an effective contributor to a high performing management team
- Develop a structured path to career development and progression
The Units within the qualification include:
Compulsory Units
- Unlocking your Leadership Potential to Drive Business Performance
- Using Strategy Execution Methods to Effectively Deliver your Business Goals
- Developing a Customer Service Culture to Create Competitive Advantage & Business Growth
- Interpreting Key Financial Statements to Improve your Bottom Line
- Understanding the Importance of Marketing to build Customer Loyalty
Elective Units
- Building High Performing Teams through Effective Performance Management
- Improving your Management Systems to Enhance Operational Efficiency and Regulatory Compliance
- Natural Disaster Risk Assessment for the Hospitality Industry
Springboard Caribbean has already begun the rollout of Units within the Certificate in Management & Leadership for Business & Hospitality and has received excellent feedback. Springboard Caribbean will work with the CHTA and NHTAs to make this qualification available in their respective territories.